It Is So Quiet

I never knew Hertha Ochsner-Schriebl. She was the mother of my former neighbour. I may have seen her four or five times, in passing, her grey hair pinned up, on the way to visit her daughter. She immigrated as a young woman from Austria to Eastern Switzerland after the end of the 2nd World War and spent the last 45 years at home in Speicher AR, running a household and hardware shop, until shortly before her death at the age of 81. And yet I still was lucky enough after all to get to know her, in a very special way; through her house, the rooms she lived in, the things she used, the clothes she wore, the traces she left behind in her actions…
Kunstmuseum Solothurn, 2016
Exhibition Video ZEIT VERSTREICHEN/Swisslos (L)










































































