The photographed plants, or rather their shadows, can be found in the oldest botanical garden of France (1593), in Montpellier. Inspired by Antoine Gouan's work (Hortus regius monspeliensis, 1762) and Carl von Linné's systematic school of plants (Systema Naturae, 1735), I selected individual plants and photographed only their shadows, detached from their respective bodies. The shade plants are named after their scientific names, just as the shade-casting plants were labelled. In a further step, I multiplied some of these, reforested them and subsequently also created groups of trees and forests.
(Colour photography)
2020 NoA Gallery, Lucerne
1 Fraxinus ornus L. (Esche)
2 Butia capitata L. (Geleepalme)
3 Celtis australis L. (Europäischer Zürgelbaum)
4 Aesculus hippposcastanum L. (Rosskastanie)
5 Avgave americana L. (Amerikanische Agave)
6 Exhibition Berne (2019)
7 Laurus nobilis L. (Echter Lorbeer)
8 Butia capitata L. (Geleepalme)
9 Tetradium hupehensis (Bienenbaum)